We provide support to our client companies during all the necessary phases of activity destined to elaborate and implement the development plan: from corporate reorganisation to the assistance provided to both the board of directors and the entrepreneur.

Who is entitled to the service?

The service is mainly intended for the company management boards that intend to create a path in order to strengthen their organisation, enhance people, resubmit the proposal to the market and establish both a strategic plan and the relevant business plans for the company’s development. These are usually companies that are operating in mature and highly competitive industries and which are in need of new programs to increase their competitiveness.

The main themes explored

  • Rationalization of both organisational structures and business processes
  • Reassessment and construction of the Strategic Plan
  • Operational marketing system and material design
  • Support in developing your marketing plan and by planning marketing campaigns
  • Assistance to both the entrepreneur and the Board of Directors throughout the development plan

How we work

We use one of our proprietary models, presented to the Client Company during the first kick-off meetings of the project, we support both the management team and the executives of all the company departments involved providing them with methods and operational information to increase internal know-how as well as the company’s ability to act. We are responsible for overseeing the development plan and then we set the corrective actions in collaboration with the client.